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Lack of Energy on a regular basis is your body screaming for HELP!

You’re not giving your body what it needs to survive; Air, Water, Food, Exercise, Sleep, and Less Stress. How to have more Energy naturally is to address each one of these issues for yourself and your own well being.

One of the guys at work asked, “Is Ginger good for Energy?”

I do use Ginger to reduce pain and inflammation when I add it to Turmeric tea when I have the first sign of a sore throat. I know it also helps with digestion and acid reflux, but those aren’t issues for me. Ginger is not what I think of first to increase my energy or to get through a long afternoon at work. Actually, the first thing I think of for Energy is Chia.

When the guys take their coffee break I take a ten-minute walk. For me, it’s a great way to get my mind clear and the blood flowing. A little exercise is a great way to get some extra energy and it’s FREE!

The reason he was asking is that he was crashing after a high carb and empty calorie lunch and he was looking for an alternative to his afternoon coffee with five teaspoons of Sugar. Caffeine and Sugar are going to be tough for Ginger to compete with.

The problem of course with the coffee and sugar was that after the initial spike of energy (Insulin) there was going to be another crash. Plus all of the Glycogen caused by the Sugar that he wasn’t going to burn up sitting at his desk would be stored as fat.

The last thing that he needs is more Fat.

As a little bit of background, we have an over 50 male, that smokes, weighs in at over 250 pounds, has a horrible diet, he ingests over 25 teaspoons of sugar per day just in what he drinks, he doesn’t exercise, has high blood pressure, is pre-diabetic, pops painkillers like they were Tic-Tacs, and whose biggest fear is that if he doesn’t watch it he’ll be down to skin and bones.

Ginger could help with his inflammation and pain, but so could breaking his addiction to Sugar. Of course, it could also help him on his way to getting some control of his weight. 

I suggested that he start thinking about eating some real food, fruits, and vegetables.

When I asked him what his favorite fruit was it took him several seconds to come up with “Mango?” Yes, and he did answer it as if it were a question. When I asked him the last time he ate a piece of fruit there was just a blank stare and there was the sound of crickets.

Now, it may be possible to be healthy without eating fruits or vegetables, but I don’t think it’s for long.

I’m 20 pounds overweight and I don’t have a problem with a lack of energy. However carrying around 20 extra pounds with you all day every day will sometimes tire you out. Can you imagine what 30, 40 or 80 pounds extra would do to your energy stores?

In 1970 the Average American Male weighed 166 pounds, today it’s 200 pounds.

That’s 34 pounds of extra weight. The average American woman today weighs 166 pounds up from about 140.

Try this, go to the supermarket and pick up two 15 pound turkeys and walk around the store, and see how you feel. Now, ask yourself, “Am I carrying around 30 pounds of fat all day, every day?” Do yourself a favor, put down those turkeys, take off that weight and see if it helps with your energy, aches and pains, your stress levels and how well you sleep at night.

We’re all getting fatter, we eat less healthy and we move less. The Standard American Diet is SAD! Is there any wonder why there’s a Health Crisis and our Energy Levels are down?


  1. Drink Water- not soda or coffee with sugar or one of those energy drinks
  2. Eat Real Food- grab an apple or an orange and not a bag of chips
  3. Walk- 30 minutes a day. Park your car 15 minutes from work and walk there and back.
  4. Relax- learn to de-stress yourself, even a couple of minutes of deep breathing can help
  5. Sleep- when you’re tired go to bed. Don’t worry, you’re not missing anything on the tv or Facebook.
  6. Laugh more- and be kind to yourself.
  7. Try to go one full day without complaining- It drains you of Energy.

That’s my 7 EZ Steps on How To Have More Energy.

As always your Comments and Questions are welcome.

Please, Share with anyone you know that cares about their health. 

Thanks, very_cool



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